Welcome to the ANW Courageous Community
This is a community platform for education about collapse
and dialogues to raise collapse-awareness.
What you will find here:
- A welcoming place to share experiences, and more deeply tune-in to others, so we can share our grief, love for life, ideas and aspirations as we face reality and live the questions together
Free content and topical articles about facilitation, whole systems design, pathways to grow into courageous living, and topics such as grief, relevant quotes...
- Places to sense into, invite and offer mutual support and relationships
- The portal for registering your interest and subscribing to And Now What Courageous Conversations you saw on our And Now What website
- Announcements and invitations to online offerings and events, in-house teachings and facilitations
- Low-cost recorded offerings developed in response to community interest (e.g. explanatory videos of diagrams and concepts)
Above all, we are co-creating a platform for you to meet others, ask your questions, share your insights, learn and (un)learn from other Shambhala Warriors on the journey to collapse awareness.
How will you respond to Gaia's Call?

We want to foster worthy responses to Gaia’s call through conversations and educational offerings that:
- weave individual, personal and professional lifelong experiences, our love and our grief, our successes, failures and losses, our learnings, insights and compassion
- offer space, nourishment and encouragement for open minds, open hearts, and open wills, even as we encounter evidence and feelings that challenge us
- seamlessly combine the inner and outer elements of our journeys, so as to build the courage needed to consider the unthinkable
- slow-down to honour still-points – places of vulnerability and potential – where we feel safe-enough to let go to let come, without knowing, and then ponder how to live the questions together in our daily lives
- foster and grow the skills we need to connect and collaborate locally and bioregionally in times of fragmentation and suffering.
- do justice to the urgency, depth, complexity and importance of our predicament and our parts in it
Your hosts, Anne, Neil and David welcome you as you are, from wherever you are on your journey. We recognise that for you this could be a place of concern (possibly despair) and vulnerability evoked by your deepening understanding of our collective predicament. In this community you will not be alone; you'll be with like-hearted souls with whom you can share, explore and learn how to navigate the complexity of these times. Remember that our Coaching and Mentoring provides a safe place for confidential one-on-one sessions if you need that.
We trust that just by being here you will find companionship, communion and friendships that bring you more meaning and agency, and allow you to reframe your priorities, actions and calling to align with what is needed in these times.

Our Courageous Community Rules
If we are to truly face reality and live the questions, then we need to encourage deep, open communication about really confronting issues that would generally not be permissible in other places. If you are here, we know you will understand that to do so we must co-govern in ways that enable as much freedom of speech as possible, whilst also preserving the sanctity of safe-enough spaces; all while holding a diversity of opinions with mutual respect.
In order to keep our Community a safe-enough space we have adopted an initial set of Courageous Community Rules – this set applies to the whole community and may evolve as needed – please read and agree to them before entering our shared spaces, and feel free to assist us in this if you see possible improvements.
Please note: Just as restaurants have different menus, different spaces we are creating inside the platform may have or require their own additional rules – e.g: Circle Practice Rules to protect the vulnerable.
Courageous Community General Rules
Be aware, we reserve the right to delete any post, and block any account, for posting what we deem inappropriate content. Such content includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Promoting too strongly one’s own work or any particular ideology or solution - we welcome suggestions, but not at the expense of others or with guarantees of success - we are in a predicament
- Disputing that global heating, ecological decline or Overshoot are happening
- Arguing it is unhelpful to discuss collapse - that is the whole premise of our work here
- Insisting that human extinction is inevitable - we see it as one possible scenario
- Arguing for fascistic or violent approaches to the situation - we understand why you might feel that way, yet will not condone it
- Negative comments on the intentions or character of a fellow member
- Demanding that participants adopt a more positive attitude - we wish to promote increasing our depth to hold both negative and positive